"The ability to communicate is an essential life skill for all children and young people and it underpins a child's social, emotional and educational development" (The Bercow Report: A review of services for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs). KAM offers a multitude of benefits to schools, including: early intervention, OFSTED, staff development and the obvious benefits to both the individual children and the pupil population as a whole.
Early Intervention
Working with KAM Children's Speech & Language Therapy can develop your educational staff's awareness of speech, language and communication needs and in particular enables early identification of difficulties This ensures strategies and targets are put into place at the earliest opportunity.
As OFSTED pay increasing attention to how schools and nurseries meet the individual needs of pupils, you can ensure that all pupils with speech, language and communication difficulties are having their needs met within your school/nursery. Needs can be met through a variety of direct and indirect approaches.
Staff Development
Staff will become knowledgeable, skilled and confident in supporting pupils with speech, language and communication needs. Through training and by working in close harmony with a Speech and Language Therapist staff will be confident in independently implementing and delivering a range of strategies and approaches going forward.
Consultation Services
This service involves spending time in the school, assessing pupils, training staff and setting up intervention groups to support their speech, language and communication needs.